Saturday, September 12, 2009

Best Electric Car Conversion

Do you would like to just smile when passing a petrol station while others are filling their tanks and spending plenty of money? Do you need to laugh at the $7 per gallon anticipated rate of fuel at the end of next year? Well, kick off your own electrical car conversion and feel the difference.

With plans on doing this project, the cost of the project might be minimized because these plans offer sources of free DC or AC motors that you need for an electrical auto. And what's a few hundred bucks when in reality, after the conversion, you won't spend a large amount of money for your car.
You may also increase the distance range of your car up to 200 miles. Additionally, electrical cars do not emit fumes therefore minimizing air pollution.

Now you just need a vehicle to convert that has enough strength and space for battery storage. You also have to prepare basic mechanic tools and a wide space to perform the project. Call for help to make things simpler.

It is easy to drive an electrical car. You do not have to learn standard driving because electrical automobiles drive just like automatics.

Get an electrical vehicle conversion now and say ciao to high gas costs.

Since Gas Prices are on a steady rise, Don't you think it's time to do something? Gas2Electricity.Com will teach you how to economize, the environment, and you'll learn all there is to know about how to make your own electrical vehicle.

You can convert a car to electric this weekend. Do an electric car conversion now!

Electric Car Conversion for Under $280